Shed is a really cool name*. He also makes really cool music. Out on the Ostgut label, which is heavily associated with the Berghain club in Berlin and also hosts Marcel Dettman, Ben Klock and former BSITWT recipients Prosumer and Murat Tepeli inter alia, his album Shedding the Past is receiving wide blogging attention of late and just got a huge thumbs up from Donal Dineen this evening. The album mostly fits into with the deep deep style on display in other Berghain work and in Ben Klock's set at Electric Picnic, with tracks such as Waved Mind and Ostrich-Mountain-Square bringing the phrase minimal to an almost literal level. My preferred tracks on the album are the dark, evil, floor-filling Another Wedged Chicken and the deeper, searing, 8am vibes of The Lower Upside Down, both of which fall more into the bracket of "tracks that aren't meant for people who are already in a coma". Despite the sometimes excessive minmalism, this is a hugely rewarding album and a must for anyone with an interest in stripped-down electronic music.
You can listen to interrupted versions of the tracks from the album here
Shed plays Pogo @ (I presume) the Pod November 22nd.
* You could also argue that it's a really shite name
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